I'm interrupting this dormant dog-blog to write about my entry into the world of children's literature - there will still be the occasional mention of my erstwhile doggie companion who is still a pup in spirit, if not in size.

28 Feb 2012

A guest post from Him-In-Doors

There comes a time in every family’s life when the huge and important task of rolling back the gender stereotypes comes to a screeching halt. It wasn’t baby poo: handled that with aplomb, even when the brown bomb appeared in the bath. It wasn’t ironing shirts: I am the only one who knows how to do it anyway. It wasn’t being a stay-at-home Dad, even though a grim Italian Granny used to hiss  ‘Why you no work?’ at me as I pushed D1 about in the pram.
No. The things which make you realise that the Y-chromosome has not quite outlived its usefulness are cleaning gutters, mowing lawns, and reading maps. Oh, and doing the tax and making sure there is enough LPG in the barbecue gas bottle. Traditionally picking up dog poo is also a bloke thing, hence the intense Pre-Puptial Nuptial negotiations on this score. (See post Jan19)
And then there are the claws...

Him-In-Doors tackles Pip's talons, while D2 comforts

A confession

Have been reading up on blogging and apparently it pays to be self-effacing. So, dear readers, I will confess a dirty secret. In the school playground, (while waiting to pick up the kids) I find it hard to fit in.
Pip is gaining his own personal fan club so simply being Pip’s mum has done wonders for my street cred but there's no denying there's a bit of a clique thing happening.

Ocean Grove Mum's pose for my blog

The thing is; Ocean Grove is packed to the gunnels with long-legged, blonde, designer Mammas – and they tend to stick together. Of course, now that I have a dog, I don’t have to worry about talking to anyone else...