I'm interrupting this dormant dog-blog to write about my entry into the world of children's literature - there will still be the occasional mention of my erstwhile doggie companion who is still a pup in spirit, if not in size.

25 Jan 2012

Day 12 - Puppy School

So, it was with much trepidation and a very hungry dog that we set off to Puppy School. Ruth – the dog lady – had instructed me not to feed him from midday Sunday in preparation for the 11am class on Monday. We were to bring 250g of gravy steak cut into one centimetre chunks to the class as rewards for good behaviour.
Pip resting in his favourite chair after a full day's play.
I felt terrible starving my puppy but as Ruth said out in the wild they get one meal every two or so days and it wouldn’t do him any harm.  Luckily, Frankie had exhausted him which helped to distract him from the fact he was hungry.