I'm interrupting this dormant dog-blog to write about my entry into the world of children's literature - there will still be the occasional mention of my erstwhile doggie companion who is still a pup in spirit, if not in size.

3 Feb 2012

What's in a name?

So at long last, I had my own dog to accompany me on the Friday walk. Since I pounced on the Groove Queen (hereafter referred to as GQ) about half way through last year, we’ve been taking a weekly walk on the beach. I say pounce because she was a newbie and I knew she’d have no mates. When D2 told me there was a new kid in her class I immediately said ‘I’ll have to meet his Mum’. As it happened GQ and I get on famously – in spite of her superior fashion sense.
So we cemented our friendship with the weekly beach walk. Then in December, Douglas – some kind of Pomeranian with a foxy face – joined our weekly outing. 

Douglas (Dougie) the dog.

Poor Douglas had endured months as a quarantine dog; first in Shanghai and then in Melbourne. GQ spent a fair bit of money getting the family pet through the bureaucracy before he made it for his first taste of beach life in lovely Ocean Grove.