I'm interrupting this dormant dog-blog to write about my entry into the world of children's literature - there will still be the occasional mention of my erstwhile doggie companion who is still a pup in spirit, if not in size.

21 Jan 2012

Day 6 - The Great Sit-In

Sit-in walk this morning. Got out the back gate and Pip sat down and refused to budge. I tried a few times, yanking on the lead, etc but given it was only 6.15 and I was feeling considerably bleary-eyed myself, I didn’t push it. I took off his lead and threw him a stick. He seems slightly more into sticks than balls but still hasn’t mastered the whole fetch routine.
We went to the dog beach again today. Pip was feeling a little more adventurous and as I was tired of sweltering in the back blocks, I paddled in the shallows and allowed Pip to lie near me and get a wet tummy. D1 and D2 in between catching waves, they chastised me for letting Pip get wet!
Later Pip picked up a gorgeous brunette in a brown bikini. Luckily she thought he was adorable. It was a bit embarrassing. Four groovy twenty-somethings all lying on their towels relaxing and Pip basically gallops at them and jumps on top of them. Because the girl liked Pip, her boyfriend was cool and all was well – thank God!
A Mum, who had food packed in beach bags, was not so keen and angrily shooed him away.
And then Pip discovered the joy of digging! Hurrah!

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